Ampa Sishya is a school run and managed by Ampa Vidhya Educational Trust

Sishya Complaints Policy


Keeping with Sishya’s time-tested policy of open communication, its Complaints policy aims to foster an obstacle-free path of raising concerns/complaints and addressing them. This, we firmly believe will uphold trust, transparency and accountability.


This policy will lay down the procedure on how to file a complaint and how to seekredressal. The school will ensure:

  • that complainants know the filing procedure
  • The complaints will be addressed in an efficient manner within a reasonable time.
  • Instil/build trust in stakeholders that all complaints will be handled seriously

A concern is of an informal nature which is orally conveyed and can be resolved at the locallevel.

A complaint on the other hand, is of a more serious and formal in nature and is taken on file for further reference.

Complaints Procedures for Parents At Sishya

Sishya welcomes suggestions and comments from stakeholders. We encourage stakeholders to bring any concern or complaint to our attention at the earliest to facilitate speedy resolution. We will use the earliest opportunity to state the school’s position on the issue before it escalates. Any complaint shall be treated as an expression of genuine dissatisfaction, to which we will respond.

Staff will work in partnership with all stakeholders to reach amicable solutions.

A Complaint redressal committee comprising the principal, a member from the Management, a senior teacher, a counsellor, a member from the school’s legal team and the respective class teacher will be put in place.

Complaint Redressal Process

In many cases, the class teacher will be the first respondent, who, keeping the Principal/ Junior School InCharge informed, will work towards resolving the issue within three working days.

If unresolved, the complainant can approach the Principal/ Junior School In-Charge for redressal. The
school aims for total transparency to resolve complaints.

The committee will be called upon to deliberate on the issue if it escalates further.

The school strives to put the interests of the child above all other issues. We will provide careful consideration, sufficient time and deliberation/thought to work towards a fair and agreeable resolution within a specified time.

This policy will lay down the procedure on how to file a complaint and seek redressal. The school will ensure:

  • that complainants know the filing procedure
  • that the complaints will be addressed in an efficient manner within a reasonable time.
  • instill /build trust in stakeholders that all complaints will be handled seriously.


How to raise a complaint?

Guidelines for Parents

Step 1

The complainant can raise the complaint orally followed by an email to the respective class teacher. The class teacher will respond within a day’s time, marking a copy to the Principal.

Step 2

The parent may request an appointment with the class teacher if he/she so desires. The school will ensure the meeting within two days. The class teacher will meet the parent in the school office, in the presence of another staff member to ensure factual correctness.

Step 3

If still unresolved, the complaint becomes formal in nature. The parent maybe invited to a meeting at school with the Principal. The school office will keep a written record of all complaints, correspondence, meetings and outcomes/ resolutions at this stage.

Step 4

In the event of the problem persisting, the Complaint Redressal committee will meet the complainant within one week’s time to ensure an outcome acceptable to both parties. Any action taken against staff following such complaints will be kept strictly confidential. In case of an elusive resolution, the school reserves the right to seek legal counsel.

Guidelines for Staff

Step 1

The complainant can raise the complaint orally followed by an email to the Head of the department/Principal. The school will ensure an appropriate response within two days’ time.

Step 2

The school will facilitate a face -to- face meeting of the concerned parties for conflict resolution within a week’s time.

Step 3

If still unresolved, the issue will be taken up to the Complaint Redressal Committee. The Complaint Redressal committee will meet the complainant within two weeks’ time to ensure an outcome acceptable to both parties.

Feedback will be provided to the complainant on a regular basis. Any action taken against staff following such complaints will be kept strictly confidential.

Anonymous complaints will not be entertained or addressed.

How to Address Student Concerns?

Students have access to school counsellors and class teachers throughout the period of their study. At the beginning of each academic year, students will be oriented with the procedures of seeking professional help to address their concerns/issues. The class teacher will direct the student to the counsellor who in turn will maintain a file on the student and administer the required help, guidance and advice. The class teacher/ counsellor will inform the Principal of any such complaints in writing. The school guarantees strict confidentiality to the student.

Sishya will uphold fairness and transparency in dealing with and finding solutions to concerns and complaints of all stakeholders.

The school reserves the right to determine that a complaint or a complainant is difficult. In such cases, the school reserves the right to stop communicating with the parties.

A difficult complaint would be:

a. when complaints are general and not specific and well defined
b. when complaints are based on false information
c. one of a frivolous nature

A difficult complainant would be one who:

a. refuses to co-operate with the school-mandated process
b. refuses to comply with set timeline
c. dwells on non-pertinent issues which serve as mere time wasters
d. does not stick to the original details of the complaint
e. seeks a biased and pre-determined outcome
f. wastes school personnel time despite repeated requests
g. refuses to accept that the school has its limitations when it comes to certain issues
h. uses the complaint process as a vehicle for settling personal scores
i. breaches confidentiality and gives publicity to unverified information through media, social media and other channels.




Complaints Redressal Committee Composition:
  • Principal
  • Senior Member Of Faculty